- Methods
A comprehensive search for guidelines
was undertaken to identify the most relevant guidelines to consider for
The main source
was the Pediatric Ophthalmology/Strabismus Preferred Practice Pattern published
by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, last edition of 2022 (3) and
Comprehensive Pediatric Eye and Vision Examination by the American Optometric
Association 2017 (4)
The inclusion/exclusion criteria
followed in the search and retrieval of guidelines to be adapted:
- Selecting only evidence-based guidelines (guideline must include a
report on systematic literature searches and explicit links between
individual recommendations and their supporting evidence)
- Selecting peer reviewed publications only
- Selecting guidelines written in English language
- Excluding guidelines written by a single author not on behalf of an
organization in order to be valid and comprehensive, a guideline ideally
requires multidisciplinary input
- Excluding guidelines published without references as the panel needs
to know whether a thorough literature review was conducted and whether
current evidence was used in the preparation of the recommendations
The following characteristics of the retrieved guidelines were summarized
in a table:
- Developing organization/authors
- Date of publication, posting, and release
- Country/language of publication
- Date of posting and/or release
- Dates of the search used by the source guideline developers