▪️ For Screening
1-Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound.
2-Serum alpha -fetoprotein level.
▪️ laboratory evaluation before each cycle of systemic treatment (monthly)
1- complete blood picture.
2-liver function tests (total serum bilirubin, serum albumin, SGPT and INR).
3-kideny function tests (serum creatinine, blood urea)
• Systematic inclusion of cost-benefit analyses in clinical trial with collection of health economic analysis such as incremental cost effectiveness ratio in order to facilitate clinical decision-making.
• Predictive biomarkers: response to specific systemic targeted therapies.
• Improve models for pre-clinical testing of novel drugs.
• Search for tools to assess quality of life in clinical trials.
• Therapies to prevent dropouts in the waiting lists of liver transplantation and downstaging strategies.
• Adjuvant therapy after curative treatments
➡️Update of this guidline
• This guidline will be updated whenever there is new evidence.