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Part Two

- Hospital Medical Emergency Response Policy

Policy name

Hospital medical emergency response policy

Policy number


Issue date and number



Review Date


number of pages



All hospital departments

Policy: the hospital is committed to responding to medical emergencies .

Purpose: to equip the departments to deal with emergency cases that require emergency handling with the development of a system to respond to the emergency call .


* The nursing supervisor of each role equips an emergency vehicle with life-saving medicines and tools according to the attached list that specifies the components and arrangement of the emergency vehicle, provided that the vehicle is nearby and available for use 24 hours a day .

* A supervisor of each role reviews these vehicles daily .

* The pharmacy department at the hospital assigns a pharmacist to pass on the emergency vehicle and check its contents and validity daily .

* The medicines used from the emergency trolley are replaced immediately after use from the emergency cupboard of the department that used them, and if these medicines are not available in the emergency cupboard of any department, they are replaced from the intensive care emergency cupboard until they are dispensed from the hospital pharmacy.

* The hospital ( training officer ) is committed to the existence of training courses on cardiorespiratory resuscitation for all employees (doctors and nurses) in the hospital on a one-day basis every two years.those who receive the course are granted a certificate stating this and it is specialized to follow up the access of employees to the courses by their direct superior.

* Any of the hospital staff suspected of having a cardiac arrest condition will call the cardiorespiratory resuscitation team by calling the intensive care and nursing home or by switch to make a call and indicate the role/ Department and the number of the room to be moved to.

* Nursing role calls the rest of the team in case the Switch is not available.

* Cases of cardiac arrest that occur in intensive care, in which the care doctor is called and the cardiorespiratory resuscitation team is not required unless the care doctor requests it and his responsibility is to supervise the resuscitation of the patient.

* Cases of myocardial arrest that occur in operating rooms and units where the patient is supervised by an anesthesiologist, the cardiorespiratory resuscitation team is not called unless the anesthesiologist requests it and he is responsible for supervising the resuscitation of the patient.

· The first to arrive at the patient performs CPR.

* The cardiorespiratory resuscitation team consists of an intensive care doctor and a nurse from the care in addition to the case doctor, the nurse of the floor/ Department or room and a security individual (depending on the subject schedule).

* Bringing the emergency vehicle with the responsibility of nursing the role in which the cardiac arrest occurred.

* The team leader is the intensive care doctor who is responsible for giving electric shocks, obtaining a clear airway and respiratory passage, and participating in cardiac resuscitation operations.

* The case doctor is responsible for explaining the patient's condition, reviewing the patient's files and informing the team leader of any information he needs.he is also involved in the work of cardiac resuscitation and is responsible for communicating with the patient's parents and informing them of the patient's condition developments and involving them in any medical decision that needs their participation.

* The intensive care nurse is responsible for giving medicines and withdrawing samples requested by the team leader and assisting the rest of the team members according to the instructions of the team leader.

* The nurse of the role/ Department is responsible for recording the events of cardiac arrest, the dates of administration of medications, The Shape of the heartbeat and the date when the heart returns to beat in the form provided for that, and is also responsible for giving breathing to the patient in the manner determined by the team leader.

* The security officer provides the appropriate atmosphere for the work of the team and is present when informing the patient's parents of any developments in his condition.

* It is necessary to work on providing places of care on an ongoing basis in order to receive post-myocardial infarction cases that may occur in the hospital after first aid work in the internal department and stabilize his condition.

* The medical team is trained to respond quickly and immediately upon call, and all members of the medical team must be present in the emergency room and deal with the case in accordance with the policy of cardiorespiratory resuscitation.

* The callback system is tested unexpectedly by The Unit Manager/ Quality Coordinator at the hospital to ensure that the doctors and nurses respond to the call and calculate the time between the call and response as a kind of performance assessment within the unit with the results being submitted to the hospital quality coordinator.

* Cardiorespiratory resuscitation is performed according to the attached protocol.

* All hospital staff are trained to deal with cases of myocardial arrest (basic level), while the doctors of care and anesthesia are trained at the advanced level.

In charge:   

· All hospital staff - cardiopulmonary resuscitation team .


Table of Contents and arrangement of the emergency vehicle

Monthly CPR team schedule

Cardiorespiratory resuscitation protocol


Egyptian quality standards.

Cardiorespiratory resuscitation protocol



The trust