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Part One

- Ethics and ethics of the nursing profession

First: Duties and responsibilities of the literary profession:

There are moral duties and responsibilities that govern and regulate the work of the nursing profession, in addition to the professional responsibilities and duties of nursing staff members. All organizations interested in the nursing profession, most notably the International Council of Nursing Staff, have paid attention to them, stressing the need for nursing staff members to adhere to the morals and ethics of the nursing profession. Therefore, it has drawn up a constitution and a code of ethics for the profession so that nursing staff members can be Nursing is aware to emulate and implement it, which will have an impact on the positive image of the nursing staff in society and their emergence as role models.

The most important provisions of this constitution are the following:

◾      Respecting life, alleviating suffering, and working to alleviate pain and raise the level of health.

◾      Providing the highest level of nursing service and professional behavior.

◾      To be prepared to practice the profession only and to work on acquiring information and skills.

◾      Respect the patient’s religious beliefs.

◾      Keep all information that she obtains through her work and do not disclose it except in accordance with the law.

◾      Do not prescribe or give medical treatment without a doctor’s orders except in emergency cases and notify the doctor immediately.  Be intelligent and obedient and refuse to contribute to any unethical actions.

◾      Gain the trust of the doctor and members of the health team.

◾     Not allowing their names to be used in advertising products or in any form of personal advertising.

◾      Effective cooperation with other members of the health team.

◾      Adhering to the standards of personal etiquette in her private life.

◾      Citizens and members of other health professions participate in their efforts to meet the health needs of the local, national and international community. Thus, nursing staff members have many responsibilities and duties towards the patient, the workplace, society and towards the profession itself.

The following are the most important ethical responsibilities of nursing staff members:

The most important responsibilities of nursing staff towards their patients are:

◾     To keep in mind that healing the patient and maintaining his health is its first goal without any other considerations such as religion, color, gender, or politics.

◾      To be the place of trust placed by the patient in terms of his recovery.

◾      To be kind-hearted in their treatment, to act wisely and accurately towards their patients, to give the patient hope for recovery, whether physical or psychological, to maintain absolute confidentiality of everything you know about the patient, and to participate with the patient in making some decisions related to his treatment.

◾      To be responsible for health education for the patient and providing him with complete information regarding his illness, how to cope with it, and what are the means of avoiding complications resulting from it, and not just giving him medication.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards themselves:

◾      Nursing staff members must work to improve their scientific level by constantly being informed of everything new in the general natural sciences and special nursing sciences.

◾      Completing studies to obtain available academic degrees such as a specialized diploma, master’s and doctorate.

◾     Attending seminars, scientific conferences and seminars organized by medical and nursing societies and participating in scientific research that helps advance the nursing and health care profession.

◾      That they be completely convinced of the nursing profession and that they should bear in mind that this profession has its own respect, dignity and dignity, and that they should be of good conduct and behavior in their public and private lives.

Responsibilities of nursing staff towards colleagues at work:

◾      Sincere cooperation with members of the health team, which helps provide health care to citizens.

◾      They treat their co-workers as they would like to be treated and avoid talking badly about them and any comment or remark that would detract from the skill or opinion of any co-worker.

◾      Fully prepared to teach recent graduate colleagues all the foundations and concepts of modern nursing.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards the institution in which they work:-

◾      Respect the organization’s work laws and rules.

◾      Respect all employees of the organization and cooperate with their superiors.

◾      Respect the full uniform while working.

◾      Proper use and preservation of work tools, and reporting in the event of loss or damage to any of the  devices and tools.

◾      Admitting the mistake and reporting it to those concerned.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards society:

◾      To be good citizens  while respecting the traditions and customs of the community.

◾      Not participating in work that affects the honor and dignity of citizens.

To be sufficiently familiar with the laws and legislation of the state.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards the nursing profession:

◾      Paying attention to their appearance, adherence to dress, cleanliness and grooming.

◾      Stay away from any action that raises suspicions around her and be of good behavior.

◾      That they are convinced of the profession and that it is a humane work that is respected.

◾      Raising the level of the scientific profession through scientific research while delivering information to other groups

◾      Working to improve the material, economic and social conditions of workers in the profession.

◾      Improving the level of performance of nursing services in their workplace, as well as good selection of workers.

The following are the most important ethical responsibilities of nursing staff members:

The most important responsibilities of nursing staff towards their patients are:

◾     To keep in mind that healing the patient and maintaining his health is its first goal without any other considerations such as religion, color, gender, or politics.

◾      To be the place of trust placed by the patient in terms of his recovery.

◾      To be kind-hearted in their treatment, to act wisely and accurately towards their patients, to give the patient hope for recovery, whether physical or psychological, to maintain absolute confidentiality of everything you know about the patient, and to participate with the patient in making some decisions related to his treatment.

◾      To be responsible for health education for the patient and providing him with complete information regarding his illness, how to cope with it, and what are the means of avoiding complications resulting from it, and not just giving him medication.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards themselves:

◾      Nursing staff members must work to improve their scientific level by constantly being informed of everything new in the general natural sciences and special nursing sciences.

◾      Completing studies to obtain available academic degrees such as a specialized diploma, master’s and doctorate.

◾     Attending seminars, scientific conferences and seminars organized by medical and nursing societies and participating in scientific research that helps advance the nursing and health care profession.

◾      That they be completely convinced of the nursing profession and that they should bear in mind that this profession has its own respect, dignity and dignity, and that they should be of good conduct and behavior in their public and private lives.

Responsibilities of nursing staff towards colleagues at work:

◾      Sincere cooperation with members of the health team, which helps provide health care to citizens.

◾      They treat their co-workers as they would like to be treated and avoid talking badly about them and any comment or remark that would detract from the skill or opinion of any co-worker.

◾      Fully prepared to teach recent graduate colleagues all the foundations and concepts of modern nursing.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards the institution in which they work:-

◾      Respect the organization’s work laws and rules.

◾      Respect all employees of the organization and cooperate with their superiors.

◾      Respect the full uniform while working.

◾      Proper use and preservation of work tools, and reporting in the event of loss or damage to any of the  devices and tools.

◾      Admitting the mistake and reporting it to those concerned.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards society:

◾      To be good citizens  while respecting the traditions and customs of the community.

◾      Not participating in work that affects the honor and dignity of citizens.

To be sufficiently familiar with the laws and legislation of the state.

Responsibility of nursing staff towards the nursing profession:

◾      Paying attention to their appearance, adherence to dress, cleanliness and grooming.

◾      Stay away from any action that raises suspicions around her and be of good behavior.

◾      That they are convinced of the profession and that it is a humane work that is respected.

◾      Raising the level of the scientific profession through scientific research while delivering information to other groups

◾      Working to improve the material, economic and social conditions of workers in the profession.

◾      Improving the level of performance of nursing services in their workplace, as well as good selection of workers.

The following are the most important qualities necessary for nursing staff members: -

Nursing staff members must have the most beautiful qualities that qualify them to carry out their mission in the best way, such as:

◾      Healthy body and mind.

◾      Be mature in thinking and acting.

◾      They have basic information about the profession as well as general information.

◾      They have skills specific to the nursing profession.

◾      They have the ability to gain the trust of others and teach others.

◾      They have sound attitudes towards their profession.

◾      Role model of cleanliness and good appearance.

◾      Strong observation and smart.

◾      To be firm.

◾      Conscientious and cooperative.

◾      The ability to make decisions and have emotional stability, especially in crises and critical situations.

◾       Quickness of mind and quick action.

◾      Self-confidence.