◾ . Patients are received at the kidney clinic, examined, tests are performed, and their condition is determined if it requires dialysis or not.
◾ The patient was received in the space designated for patients in the Artificial Kidney Unit in the outpatient clinic
◾ The card is extracted.
◾ A specific allocation form that includes the patient’s name, date of birth, and code number assigned to him, as well as his financial treatment system.
◾ The patient goes to the unit and presents his card to the unit’s secretariat, who extracts the treatment file and gives it to him.
◾ This file contains his monthly records, his patient history, and the forms designated for monitoring his condition during the washing session.
Procedures for receiving a hesitant patient
· The unit’s administrator follows up by confirming appointments through the appointment card and recording the patient in the unit’s accounting records.
· To weigh the patient before entering the session.
· Recording the patient in the unit’s visitor book.
· The weight in excess of the normal weight is calculated to be withdrawn.
· Take complete vital signs.
· Preparing the patient for a hemodialysis session.
· Testing of electricity and water connections.
· Prepare a jar of washing solution and place it next to the machine. Place the stick inside the jar according to the type of washing solution.
· Open the machine and test the machine.
· Place the filter in place on the machine.
· Placing the artery connection and the vein connection in their correct place.
· Connect the artery connection to the saline solution bottle to remove air from the filter lines.
· Make sure the air comes out and put (a) heparin in the intravenous connection and make a closed circuit.
· Pass the solution through the machine for 30 minutes..
· Connecting the patient to the machine designated for him.
Nursing procedures for inserting a clavicle catheter (Mahooker)
◾ Routine hand washing
◾ Preparing the necessary supplies and medications (catheter set - plaster - surgical betadine - xylocaine - sterile gloves - surgical thread - sterilization packet - sterile gauze).
◾ Explaining the procedure in a simple way, which helps provide psychological stimulation to the patient
◾ Hand washing is surgical
◾ Assist the doctor in sterilizing the installation site
◾ Help the doctor to administer Xylocaine to the site of application
◾ Follow up on the patient’s transfer to the radiology department for chest x-rays to be performed by the worker after installation
◾ Show the doctor the x-rays to monitor the location of the catheter
◾ Helping the doctor install the catheter
◾ Giving a Hepa Ren ampoule to analyze a centimeter in the arterial and venous connection after the end of the session.
◾ Change the place of the mohawk and put it on without a silk cover
◾ Routine hand washing
Nursing procedures during femoral catheter placement
◾ Routine hand washing
◾ A spare bag containing a sterilizing bowl, sterilizing towels, and silk thread. Prepare the required supplies (sterile gloves, surgical betadine, sterile gauze).
◾ Explaining the procedure in a simple way, which helps provide psychological stimulation to the patient
◾ Hand washing is surgical
◾ Sterilize the catheter site (groin) with Betadine, taking into account the contact time.
◾ Help the doctor to administer Xylocaine at the site of installation
◾ Help the doctor install the catheter
◾ Routine hand washing after installation. Wash your hands and wear personal protection
◾ Remove the femoral catheter after the session ends and apply pressure on the catheter site for a few minutes while doing leg exercises.
◾ Put a sterile pad on the catheter site and put it on without a cover after the bleeding stops.