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Post-mortem examination of food animals

"last update: 9 Oct 2024"  

- Glossary

 Carcass:-means the body of any slaughtered animal after bleeding and dressing.

Condemnd:-means a slaughter animal or meat that has been inspected and judged as unfit for human consumption and branded accordingly "Total Condemnation", if the entire carcass and offal are condemned (Judgement Symbol T)  ." Partial condemnation", if only parts of the slaughtered animal are condemned, while others are judged otherwise ( Judgement Symbol D for the condemned diseased or defective parts).

Dressed or Dressing:-

a- in relation to slaughtered animals except for pigs, sheep and lambs, goats and kids, means the removal of head, hide or skin, viscera  (including or not including kidneys) ,genital organs, urinary bladder and feet up to the carpal and tarsal joints, and udders of  lactating animals, animals that have calved or are in advanced pregnancy; and

 b-in relation to slaughtered pigs, means the removal of hair and bristles or skin, claws ,eyelids, viscera(including or not including kidneys) , genital organs, urinary bladder, udders in the case of lactating animals, animals that have farrowed or are in advanced pregnancy, and the external acoustic duct unless in respect of that part an alternative effective form of cleaning is carried out; and

c-in relation to sheep and lambs, goats and kids means the removal of the head (except in the case of young lambs and young kids), the pelt or skin including that of the head ,viscera (including or not including the kidneys), genital organs, urinary bladder and feet up to the carpal and tarsal joints, and udders of lactating animals, animals that have given birth or are in advanced pregnancy;

d-in relation to cattle and pigs includes where necessary splitting of the carcass to split means dividing the carcase lengthwise on the medial line.

"Offal" in relation to slaughtered animals any edible or non-edible part of the animal other than the carcass.

Edible offal:- in relation to slaughtered animals means such offal as have been passed as fit for human consumption.

Emergency slaughter. means slaughter by necessity of any food animal which has recently suffered accident or injury ,or which is affected by a disease which does not necessarily call for total condemnation at meat inspection, which however is likely to deteriorate unless slaughter takes place immediately .

Judgement:- means the decision taken by an inspector, based on ante-and post-mortem inspection, by which meat originating from the examined animal is approved for human consumption, totally condemned, partially condemned, conditionally approved, inferior meat and/or approved for human consumption with distribution restricted to limited areas

Meat: - means the edible part of any mammal slaughtered in an abattoir.

Non-edible offal:- in relation to slaughtered animals means such offal's which are regularly considered as non-edible and which may be specified as such in the national meat inspection legislation.

Viscera:- means the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavity.