Monitoring/ Auditing Criteria
The audiovestibular physicians should:
▶️Ensure that the tympanometers meeting the performance and calibration requirements of of BS EN 60645–5.
▶️Calibrate the instrument daily.
▶️ Proper history taking for exclusion of any ear-related symptoms.
▶️ Otoscopically examine the ear and obseve the outer ear signs of disease, blockage or malformation.
▶️ Ensuring that the informed consent preceding the test.
▶️ Test the Subjects with age over 6 months, using a 226-Hz probe tone.
▶️ Test the Subjects with a corrected age under 6 months using a 1000-Hz probe tone.
▶️ Be able to interpret the results with other information obtained from the other complete test battery and patient history.