Table 1 Eligibility criteria for extending thrombolysis to 4.5-9 hours and wake-up stroke
Time window Imaging Imaging criteria Wake-up stroke >4.5 hours from last seen well, no upper limit MRI
DWI-FLAIR mismatch DWI lesion and no FLAIR lesion Wake-up stroke or unknown onset time >4.5 hours from last seen well, and within 9 hours
of the midpoint of sleep. The midpoint of sleep is the time halfway between
going to bed and waking up CT
or MRI core-perfusion mismatch Suggested: mismatch ratio greater than 1.2,
a mismatch volume greater than 10 mL, and an ischemic core volume <70 mL Known onset time 4.5-9 hours CT
or MRI core-perfusion mismatch Suggested: mismatch ratio greater than 1.2,
a mismatch volume greater than 10 mL, and an ischemic core volume <70 mL