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Part Three

- Methods of administration of therapy

To give medicine there are many places, including :-

1. Oral ( by sucking, chewing, under the tongue, swallowing)               

2. by inhalation

3. by (ear, eye, nose drip )

4. by injection, including: - a) subcutaneously B) in the skin C) intramuscularly d) intravenously

E) direct injection into the heart . F) in the bone marrow (intra oasis)

5. topical ( skin, mucous membranes).

The purpose of administering the drug :

There are many purposes for giving medicine to people, including :

1) diagnosis of the disease 

2) to heal the patient

3) to prevent the occurrence of the disease

Factors that should be taken into account when giving medicines :-

1-taking into account the patient's age : -

As the doses of the drug differ from the young to the adults.

2. Weight :

There are some drugs that should be given according to the weight of the patient as the dosage of the drug affects the pathological condition .

3-sex :

- There are some medications that must be taken into account the gender of the individual, whether male or female

4-the effect of the drug :-     

As the onset of action of drugs varies depending on the method of administration and concentration, as well as interactions between drugs, some of them if there is more than one drug taken to the patient

5 - the patient's tolerance to the drug :

Since there are differences between people and each other, for this it is necessary to take into account the patient's tolerance to the medication taken 0

6-the desired effect of the drug :

Depending on the type and method of administration

Giving oral therapy

Definition :

They are drugs that are administered orally (such as tablets and syrups ).

Causes :

Treatment of signs and symptoms that appear on the patient.

The caretaker :

The nursing team.

Tools : 

Medicines dispensed to the patient.

 It is necessary to follow the ten correct steps before giving the medicine (ten (10) Rights):-

1.    The right patient .

2.    The right medicine .

3.    The correct dosage .

4.    The right way .

5.    The right time .      

6.    Healthy repetition .

7.    Correct registration .

8.    The required effectiveness.

9.    The right to learn.

10. The right of refusal . 


1.     Washing hands.

2.      Review the doctor's order for the medication and prepare the treatment taking into account the time coordination, unless the hour in which the administration is required is specified

3.      To confirm the correct patient through the patient file and identification bracelet (quadruple name and medical number ).

4.      Explain the procedure that will be performed to the patient. 

5.      Maintain patient privacy.

6.      Ask the patient to sit down if possible so that he can take the medicine.

7.      In the case of treatment with tablets, the tablets are taken to the patient with a glass of water, taking care not to touch the tablets by hand.

Ensure that the patient takes the dose of treatment on time in the presence of a member of the nursing team.

8.      Notify the doctor in case the patient refuses the medication to be given and write it down in the form provided for this.

9.      Securing the patient after the administration of drugs that cause a change in the patient's consciousness ( narcotic drugs, pressure, etc.)..... Etc.) by lifting the sides of the bed or warning the patient not to walk without assistance.

10. Notify the Attending Physician in case of any medication error, which is recorded in the reporting form about a treatment line or the appearance of side effects of medications in the nursing registration form .

11. Registration of the administration of treatment in the treatment implementation form.

Administration of treatment intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intravenously

And allergy testing

Definition :

They are drugs that are administered intramuscularly, intravenously and subcutaneously (such as vials, ampoules and ' insulin 'sugar therapy).

Causes :

Treatment of signs and symptoms that appear on the patient.

The caretaker :

The nursing team.

Tools : 

Medicines – syringes – cotton – alcohol – solutions – intravenous devices – cannula of different sizes – medical adhesive-tourniquet.

It is necessary to follow the ten correct steps before giving the medicine (ten (10) Rights):-

1  . The right patient .

2. The right medicine .

3. The correct dosage .

4. The right way .

5. The right time .     

6. Healthy repetition .

7. Correct registration .

8. The required effectiveness.

9. The right to learn.

10. The right of refusal .


* Hand washing.

* Confirmation of the patient ( quadruple name and medical number).

* Explain the procedure that will be performed to the patient.

* Maintain patient privacy.

Preparation of the remedy for intramuscular injection :

1.    If one ampoule pulls the remedy with a sterile syringe and expels the air from the syringe.

2.    If the treatment needs to be analyzed, the water ampoule is withdrawn by a sterile syringe, then injected into the ampoule containing the powder and shake the bottle, then the specified dose is withdrawn by the syringe and the air is expelled.

3.    The place of injection is determined intramuscularly.

4.    Clean the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with 70% alcohol in a circular manner and in one direction from the inside out without returning again.

5.    Insert the syringe tooth perpendicular to the injection site and then pull the syringe plunger out to check the injection site (if you draw blood, the place is considered wrong and changed, and if nothing is drawn, the place is correct and the treatment is injected).

Preparation of treatment for a patient by intravenous injection :

1.       Determine the place of intravenous injection.

2.       The specified place of injection is connected to a compressor (tourniquet).

3.       Feel the vein with the tip of your index finger.

4.    Clean the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with 70% alcohol in a circular manner and in one direction from the inside out without returning again.

5.    The serung tooth enters at an angle slightly rising parallel to the surface of the skin at the site of the vein palpation.

6.    The syringe plunger is pulled out to check the place (blood flows in the syringe).

7.    Loosen the compression ligament (tornic) and inject the treatment slowly.

8.    He presses on the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol until the blood stops at the injection site.

9.    Place a small piece of gauze at the injection site and secure with adhesive tape.

10.    Disposal of injection residues in the waste disposal bag.

11.    Registration in the form of prescribing and carrying out treatment.

Preparation of treatment for a patient by subcutaneous injection  :

1.    Fixation of the skin at the injection site and with a quick pricking motion, the needle is inserted at an angle of 90 degrees if the skin is thick and 45 degrees if the skin is thin.

2.    Injection of the treatment to be given.

3.    Remove the needle and press a cotton swab moistened with alcohol on the injection site.

4.    Dispose of all residues in accordance with the infection control policy.

5.    Registration of the administration of treatment in the form of prescribing and carrying out the treatment.

Drug allergy testing  :

1.     Make the injection steps under the skin at an angle of 45 degrees in the case of a 3 cm syringe and a flat applicator in the case of an insulin syringe.

2.     When injecting, you inject only one milliliter of the drug to be tested.

3.     Put a marker around the injection site.

4.     Note the injection place for 10 minutes of injection.

5.     Inform the doctor in case of any reaction ( redness of the skin – pronounced swelling – tendency to scratching ).

6.     This is recorded with the patient's ticket and allergy card.

7.     The syringe with the medicine to be given is prepared and the patient is injected if no reaction occurs.

8.     The rest of the steps are completed as follows for subcutaneous injection.

Note: when following these steps, the infection control policies for the administration of treatment are taken into account.