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Part Three

- The procedure of getting rid of the amputated part after the patient is discharged to the recovery room

How to deal with pathological sampling

From the patient in the operating room

Required tools:

The sample container must have a sufficient opening for inserting the sample and contain a formalin solution or any preservative from the pathology department .

Identification sheet (information about the patient)

Pathology Request Report

Procedure :

1.    When taking the sample from the patient:-

Sterile nursing must obtain the consent of the surgeon to place the sample inside the container intended for the sample.   (Because sometimes the surgeon wants to examine the sample before placing it in the vessel)

2.    Ask the surgeon about the correct description of what should be recorded on the profile sheet .

3.    A sterile nurse uses a dryer to pick up the sample and place it in a renal tub .

(Peat is used to prevent frequent transportation by hand, which causes damage to the sample.)

4.    Never place the sample on a cotton swab .

5.    The second nurse takes the renal pelvis with the sample and takes the peat .

6.    Peat is used to put the sample in the pot .

7.    Make sure there is enough preservative to cover the sample .

8.    The sample should be placed in the preservative as soon as possible.

     (To prevent the sample from drying out or changing its composition, note the preservative)

9.   The second Nursing has to write :-

The patient's full name and hospital number .


Name of the sample .

The date and time are on the identification sheet and you place it on the vase .

If you are not sure about the sample or its location, ask the sterile nurse.

(Incorrect information can cause incorrect diagnosis)

10. Some samples require transportation in a special way.

11. The farm must immediately go to work and no formalin is put on it .

12. Some samples that are suspected to be a cancerous tumor should not be formalized and sent immediately to the laboratory .

13. When there is any doubt, ask the surgeon or pathologist .

14.  After the end of the surgery, the surgeon must complete the pathology request.

15.  Except in the case of examining frozen ice cream pieces, the sample should not leave the process yeast until after the end of the process .

16.  Sample details such as :


Patient name-hospital .

The nature of the sample .

17.  You must transfer to the register the registration of samples before sending.

18.   The sample registration book must be sent to the pathology department with the sample and signed by the pathologist.

 (To avoid sample loss).

The frozen sector:-

1.    The pathology department must be notified before sending the sample .

 (To avoid delays in the pathology department)

2.    The correct picture of the pathology must be filled in by the surgeon before he sterilizes .

(To avoid sample sending delay )

 3.  The sample vessel should be dry without formalin or preservative.

 4.  The sample vessel should be accurately marked with data by the second nurse.

(To avoid sample sending delay).

 5.   The sample will be received by the second nurse and placed inside the dry pot by a peat .

( To avoid a second nursing infection).

 6.   It should be immediately sent to the pathologist's department with a pathologist's request.