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Part Three

- Taking an arterial sample, the percentage of oxygen and arterial pressure

Taking an arterial sample


Give enough informationto the nursing staff to help them understand arterial blood gases and give them an idea of the acid-alkaline balance in the blood.

The importance of the study of arterial blood gases :

The importance of studying blood gases is due to enabling nursing to know the normal values of blood gases and the importance of maintaining them in their normal rates and knowledge of nursing care for a patient with any disorders in blood gases.

Tools and supplies:

Necessary tools (syringe-heparin ampoule-sterile gauze-Guante leather )


1.     Hand washing (hygienic washing)

2.     Selection of the radial artery by hand to assess the speed of blood circulation in the palm.

3.     Explain the steps to the patient.

4.     Ask the conscious patient to close the palm of his hand.

5.     Arterial blood flow test by pressing two fingers on the place of the artery.

6.     The sample was withdrawn by penetrating the artery at an angle with a syringe that had been treated with heparin.                                      (Heparin smear).

Measurement of blood oxygen content

Definition :

It is the measurement of the percentage of oxygen in the blood.

Tools and supplies :

+ Pulse oximeter cable + monitor.


1.  Connect the Pulse oximeter cable to the monitor.

2.  Connect the Pulse oximeter on the patient's thumb.

o the nurse performs a normal reading to measure the percentage of oxygen in the blood is from 95-97%.

The degree of oxygen saturation below (60 %-70%) is a phenomenon that threatens the patient

Measurement of arterial pressure

Blood pressure can be measured in two ways:

- Using a push-up device and a stethoscope

- Using an arterial cannula connected to a blood pressure monitor


Blood pressure can be measured in two ways:

1 - using a pressure device.

2 - using an arterial cannula connected to the monitor device to measure blood pressure.

Places of installation of arterial cannulas for measuring pressure:

The radial artery is Radial.

Brachial brachial artery.

Femoral femoral artery.

Nursing care during the installation of the cannula:

* Explain the steps to the patient in a simplified way in the event that the patient is not unconscious.

* The skin attends the place of installation (shaving hair – cleansing).

* Installation of cannula in the hands of the least used in the year of the patient.

Nursing homes after the installation of the arterial cannula:

* Put a sterile spare in place of the catheter.

· Careful observation of the cannula. Its detachment, which leads to the occurrence of bleeding (its blockage - bending).

* Monitor's note.

Nursing homes during arterial cannula lifting:

* Hand washing ( hygienic ).

· Wearing a Jonty.

* Taking into account the good pressure in place of the cannula to prevent bleeding.