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Part Three

- General surgery operations

Definition :

Surgery is a procedure in which an incision is made in the tissue or wounds from previous injuries are sutured.

Types of surgery:

Surgical procedures are classified by several factors such as the severity of the condition, the type of procedure, the organ or organ to be treated , the tools used as follows :-

1- ordinary surgery: it is a surgery that aims to correct a pathological condition that is not life-threatening to the patient, and usually this type of case is performed according to the patient's request and according to the availability of the surgeon and medical facilities.

2- emergency surgery: it is the surgery that is performed to save the patient's life, preserve one of his limbs or to enable one of the organs to perform its functions.

3- exploratory (introductory) surgery: this type of operation is performed for the purpose of confirming and consolidating the diagnosis of the pathological condition.

4- therapeutic surgery: this type of operation aims to treat previously diagnosed conditions.

5- amputation: cutting off one of the limbs or fingers.

6- replantation: during which a part of the body that was cut is connected.

7- reconstructive surgeries: which aim to reconstruct deformed or injured organs.

8- plastic surgery: it is a surgery that aims to improve the appearance of some uninfected tissue.

9- circumcision: it is the cutting of the outer part of an organ or tissue.

10-transplantation: this type aims to remove an organ or limb and replace it with another from a donor, whether it is a human, and the removal of an organ from a living human for the purpose of using it in transplantation is a type of surgery.

11- when surgery is performed on an organ or tissue belonging to an organ, that operation may be called the same name of this organ, such as cardiac surgery (which is performed on the heart), digestive surgery (which is performed on the digestive tract and its auxiliary glands) and orthopedic surgery (which is performed on bones or muscles).

12- laparoscopic surgery: during which small external incisions are made to insert a small machine into the body cavity, as in a catheter. In contrast, there are open surgeries that require making large incisions to reach the affected area.

13- laser surgery: the laser is the main factor for cutting tissues in this type of operations, so the laser is used instead of other old-fashioned tools to perform the same function.

14- microsurgery: this type of surgery is based on the endoscope so that the surgeon can see the small parts .

Nursing homes before surgery :-

The surgical operation has conditions before being performed by the nursing staff, which are as follows:-

1-Prepare the nursing file:-

* The patient's signature on the operation .

* Laboratory nursing examinations .

* Complete CBC blood image .

* Blood chemistry .

* Urinalysis.

* Radiology .

* Breathable functions .

* Nose and ear width

* Chest X-ray.

* X-rays at the place of operation .

* Electrocardiogram (ECG) .

2 - _ make sure the file contains me :-

 * Treatment sheet .

* Doctor's instructions .

* Good examination paper .

* Disease history sheet .

3-preparation of blood units for the patient

* Determine the quantity according to the doctor .

* Identification of the platoon .

* Preparation for the operation 12 hours in advance .

4 - _ Preparation of the patient :

* Psychologically .

Post-operative nursing care directly to the patient's discharge from the operating room:

* Ensure that the spare parts are in place and do not have bleeding or leakage.

* Ensure that the chest tube is installed well, and that it is connected to the collection vessel.

* Ensure that the collection container is located below the chest level for fluid to flow out.

* Ensure that there are no obstacles during the patient's transition to intensive care.

* Teamwork with anesthesiologist and anesthesia technician for patient safety.

* Delivery of a report with full information by nursing operations for intensive care .

Trying to remove / or alleviate the sensation of pain by :

* Reassure the patient .

* Assess the location /nature / degree of pain and give the patient the prescribed treatment if I need it..

* Placing the patient in a position similar to sitting in order to help in the breathing process and reduce the sensation of pain .

* Examine the wound site and note any signs indicating the presence of inflammation such as (redness ,heat , swelling , non-healing of the wound and the presence of some secretions on the wound ) .