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Pure-Tone Air-Conduction and Bone-Conduction Threshold Audiometry with and without Masking in Adults and Older Children (ECPG)

- Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the guideline

Monitoring/ Auditing Criteria

To assess guideline implementation or adherence to recommendations. To ensure that the clinicians can do PTA measurements with sticking to the guidelines and thus lower the bias rate originating from false techniques.

▪️  The audiometer, headphones and all connections are clean and regularly calibrated.

▪️  The date of last calibration is written.

▪️  Infection control measures

▪️  Ambient noise in the sound treated room is less than 35dB(A)

▪️  AC, BC and masking are done according to the recommended procedure in the guideline.

▪️ The audiogram is drawn according to the recommended format and symbols.

▪️ The report has full description of the audiogram (type, degree and configuration of hearing loss)